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JAVA - JDBC 2 marks and 15 Marks

                                      PART – A

1. What is DBMS.?
          DBMS (DataBase Management System) is a software or program used to create or manage any database.

2.  What is a database?
          A Database is an organized collection of data.

3. What does record and field represent?
          * Rows in a table represent Records.
          * Columns in a table represent Fields.

4. What is SQL ?
          SQL is a standard language for managing any kinds of database
        Example Operations: Create a database or table .

5. Mention the major two types of SQL Commands.

          * Data Definition Language:
                   CREATE, ALTER, DROP – a table or database.

          * Data Manipulation Language:

6.  What is JDBC?
          JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) is an API used to connect Java applications to a database and then query or update it, using the SQL.

7. Draw the architecture for JDBC connection to database.

8. List the four types of JDBC drivers.
          Type 1: JDBC / ODBC Bridge.
          Type 2: Native – API Driver.
          Type 3: Network Protocol Driver – Middle Ware Driver.
          Type 4: Native Protocol Driver – Pure JAVA Driver.

9. Difference between two tier and three tier database architecture.

    Two Tier Architecture

      Three Tier Architecture
* In a two-tier model, a Java application/applet communicates directly with the database, via the JDBC driver.
* In a three-tier model, a Java application communicates with a middle tier component that functions as an application server.



Two Tier Architecture :

Three Tier Architecture :


10. What is the ultimate goal of JDBC?
·         Programmers can write applications in the Java programming language to access any database, using SQL statements.
·         Database vendors can supply the low-level drivers. Thus, they can optimize their drivers for their specific products.

11. Write the simple SQL statement for creating a table.
               CREATE TABLE it_b_section
                    name VARCHAR(60),
                    reg_no VARCHAR(13),
                    cgpa INT(6)

          Points to remember :
          * Inside brackets() , set length of the field.
          * it_b_section is the TABLE NAME.

12. Write all the data types of SQL.

13. Write a simple SQL statement to display all the data in a table.

                           SELECT * FROM it_b_section

14. Write a simple SQL statement to display the details of students whose  JAVA internal is above 40.

                   SELECT * FROM it_b_section WHERE java_marks > 40

15. Write a simple SQL statement to insert values into a table.

      INSERT INTO it VALUES (‘Aslam Jainul’, ‘115015048’ , ‘ ’)

16. “Your facebook password is weak. Now you are going to change your password”. Write a SQL statement for the above problem.

          UPDATE login SET password=”aeiou12345!@#$%” WHERE                                                                         mail=”

       Here login is the table name and mail and password are attributes.

For the above questions (13,14,15,16) , the question is only to write a SQL statement.

                             EASY TO REMEMBER  



17. Write a Statement for loading and registering JDBC ODBC driver.

18. Write a Statement for creating connection to database. 
  Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:sastra","","");

     Parameters Involved: 
                    1.Database Url 
                    2.DB username
                    3.DB Password.

19. Explain about database URL for creating connection to database  
          The general syntax is
                   jdbc : subprotocol : other stuff
               Example : jdbc:odbc:sastra
             subprotocol - specific driver for connecting to the database.
             stuff - depends on the subprotocol used.

20. Write a program for read a properties file and opening the database connection.

      Properties props = new Properties();

      FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("");



      String drivers = props.getProperty("jdbc.drivers");

      if (drivers != null) 
              System.setProperty("jdbc.drivers", drivers);

     String url = props.getProperty("jdbc.url");
     String username = props.getProperty("jdbc.username");
     String password = props.getProperty("jdbc.password");

      return DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);

21. Write any three methods involved in connection to a database.

·getConnection() - establishes a connection to the given database and returns a Connection object. 

· createStatement()- creates a Statement object that can be used to execute SQL queries and updates without parameters.

· executeQuery()- executes the SQL statement given in the string and returns a ResultSet object to view the query result

22. Write a Program to display the cgpa, name, reg from the database.

Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:sast
Statement st = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM stu1");

23. Write a SQL statement to join the two tables. Both contain one same attributes (reg_no).

        SELECT * FROM it_b_section , it_department
        WHERE reg_no = “115015048”

  24. Write a SQL statement to display the student details according to cgpa from highest to lowest.

        SELECT * FROM it_b_section
        ORDER BY cgpa DESC

25. Describe the mapping type of JDBC - JAVA.

     26. Write a Program to explain Scrollable Result Set.

 Statement stmt =       con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); 

String query = “select students from class where type=‘not sleeping’ “; 

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( query ); 


rs.relative(-5); / / go 5 records back 

rs.relative(7); / / go 7 records forward 

rs.absolute(100); / / go to 100th record

27. Write a Program to explain Updateable Resultset.

while ( )

     int grade = rs.getInt(“grade”);
     rs.updateInt(“grade”, grade+10);

28. Write a Program to illustrate MetaData from DB.

Connection con = …. ; 
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData(); 
   String catalog = null; 
   String schema = null; 
   String table = “sys%”; 
   String[ ] types = null; 
ResultSet rs = dbmd.getTables(catalog , schema , table , types );

29. Write a Program to illustrate MetaData from RS.

                public static void printRS(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException

                             ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData(); 

                    // get number of columns                     int nCols = md.getColumnCount(); 

                      // print column names 

                     for(int i=1; i < nCols; ++i) 

                      System.out.print( md.getColumnName( i)+",");

                  / / output resultset

                   while ( )

                                     for(int i=1; i < nCols; ++i)

                                     System.out.print( rs.getString( i)+",");

                                     System.out.println( rs.getString(nCols) );



                            PART – B

1. Explain the four types of JDBC Drivers.
2. Explain the JDBC installation Process.
3. Write a program for Scrollable and Updateable ResultSet.
4. Write a simple program for JDBC connection. Explain It.
5. Write a program to create a database on ORACLE database.
6. Write a program to execute any 5 Queries.
7. Explain Structured Query Language. Explain with SQL Statements.


  Tags : java, java important 2 marks, jdbc, jdbc 2 marks, sastra java, sastra java question paper, sastra university, java jdbc , jdbc driver , anna university java syllabus , sastra university java syllabus , sastra university java question papers , anna university java question papers , 


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