Data Structure | Semester Question Paper - Nov 2012

                                  SASTRA UNIVERSITY

Year : Nov 2012                                                    Semester : Third Semester
Subject : Data Structure                                          Time : 3 Hrs.


Answer all the questions.

1.What are the three programming constructs available?
2.What is a data structure?
3.Write the algorithm recursiveFactorial(n).
4.Write the Euclidean algorithm for GCD.
5.Write the algorithm InsertNode(list,pPre,dataIN).
6.Write the algorithm pushStacktop(stack,data).
7.Write the C code for stacktop.
8.Write the algorithm createQueue for creating a queue.
9.Write the algorithm dequeue(queue,item).
10.What is a sparse matrix?
11.What is the use of tree datastructure?
12.Write the algorithm postorder(root).
13.Draw the expression tree for a*(b+c)+d.
14.Write the algorithm FindLargestBST(root).
15.What is AVL tree?
16.State the properties of heap.
17.State the address of leftchild and rightchild in a heap.
18.What is an Eulerian walk?
19.What is an adjacency matrix?
20.What are the constraints for the solution of mincost spanning trees?


Answers all the questions.

21.Describe the Abstract Data Type(ADT) model and ADT implementations.
22.Write the C code for solving towers of Hanoi.

23.Write the algorithm (infix to postfix) inToPostFix(formula) and explain.
24.Write the algorithms insertDbl(list,dataIn) and deleteDbl(list,deleteNode) of the doubly linked list.

25.Explain the insertion into and deletion of a General Tree.
26.Write algorithms SearchBST,addBST(searching a Binary Search Tree and insert into a BST) and explain with example.

27.Write the C code for Priority queue implementation.
28.Write the Kruskals algorithm and explain with example

Tags : Sastra University Data Structure question Papers , Sastra University Data Structure previous year question Papers , Sastra University Data Structure old question Papers , Sastra University Data Structure  question Papers , Sastra University Data Structure  previous year question Papers , Sastra University Data Structure  old question Papers , Sastra  Data Structure question Papers , Sastra  Data Structure previous year question Papers , Sastra  Data Structure old question Papers , Sastra  Data Structure  question Papers , Sastra  Data Structure  previous year question Papers , Sastra  Data Structure  old question Papers , Anna University Data Structure question Papers , Anna University Data Structure previous year question Papers , Anna University Data Structure old question Papers , Anna University Data Structure  question Papers , Anna University Data Structure  previous year question Papers , Anna University Data Structure  old question Papers

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