Painting effect:
--->Open an image > Press ctrl+ J to create a duplicate layer--->Go to filter > Other >High Pass >1.5 radius >ok
--->Go to filter >Artistic >film grain filter > 0,19,10
--->Highlight Area is the most important value. In most cases you'll notice that a value between18-20 will give you the best results.
--->Change the blending mode to overlay
--->Go to filter >artistic > cutout > 8,0,3 ( try values between 6-8.)
--->Press ctrl +J to create another copy of background copy
--->Filter/Artistic/Poster Edges > 10,10,0
--->Set the blending mode of this layer to Multiply and the Opacity to about 30%
Sea Horse:
--->Create a new 450X350 pixels document.
--->Set a dark blue color (#146fe0) for a foreground and light blue color (#0fe0ff) color for a background. Apply Filter > Render > Clouds.
--->Create a new layer. Apply Edit > Fill > White color.
--->Set white color for a foreground and light blue color (#acc6f0) color for a background on this layer.
--->Apply Filter > Render > Fibers with the following settings:
Variance -> 26, Strength -> 13 and set the Blending Mode as 'Color Dodge'. Merge down these layers.
--->Duplicate this layer. Go to a new layer 'Background copy'. Now we have to make horizontal fibers from vertical.
--->Apply Edit > Transform > Rotate 90CW and then apply Edit > Transform > Scale and stretch this layer out full length.
--->Apply Image > Adjustment > Hue/Saturation with the following settings: Hue -> 194, Saturation 100, Lightness -> +12.
--->Then apply Filter > Brush Strokes > Spatter with the following settings: Spray Radius -> 13, Smoothness -> 14.
--->Go to the 'Background' layer. Set a light green color (#daf4f8) for a foreground and light blue color (#b1daf2) for a background.
--->Apply Filter > Render > Clouds. Go to the 'Background copy' layer. Choose the Eraser Tool and erase the upper part of the picture.
--->Then go to the 'Background' layer and apply Filter > Render > Lens Flare with the following settings: Brightness -> 100%, Lens Type -> 50-30mm Zoom twice. Merge down these layers.
Lava Planet Creation:
--->Create new doc 800*800 pixels, 72 resolutions
--->Create a new layer select a elliptical marquee tool. Draw a circle.
And press d for default colors.
--->Go to filter menu > select render > difference clouds.
--->Press ctrl+f (2 ) times to increase the effect
--->Press ctrl+L to adjust the levels.
--->Filter > sharpen >un sharp mask >500,3,30
--->Filter > distort > spherize. And apply 100% and again apply 50%
--->Press ctrl+B select shadow and apply +100, 0,-100
M(100,0,100) , H(100,0,-15)
--->Press ctrl+U >hue=15, saturation=20
--->Filter > sharpen unsharp mask amount 300,3,15
--->Create a new layer and apply black color.
--->Select the planet layer right click> blending Options > Outer glow >gold effect.
Pencil Drawing:
--->Open ur image.
--->Deasturate it, Image >Adjustments> Desaturate.
--->Duplicate layer > and invert colors
--->Now in layer pallate select color dodge.
--->Now go to filter >Blur >gaussian blur >9radius.
--->Now see final result.
--->Picture engraved in stone:
--->Open an rock image and other photo.
--->Now drag the photo in front of rock image.
--->Go to filter >sketch >photo copy >2,27
--->Now just change the layer color mode to color dodge.
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